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Jan 31, 2024
Nine Tips for Ghostwriting Success No. 1 The Client is Not Your Friend
You have Enough Friends. The Client is Not One of Them The closet doors have been thrown open and the ghostwriters are coming out into...

Jun 9, 2021
Maxim #4-—Lean Into Both Compliments and Criticism
Living a responsive life requires me to have an authentic relationship with both compliments and criticism. That means embracing—leaning...

May 30, 2021
Maxim #3-- Accept Every Invitation
Originally, Maxim #3 saw life as a New Year’s Resolution crafted in response to a sense that I was missing opportunities by being too...

May 27, 2021
Maxim #2 Avoid Using the Word “But” Whenever Possible
“But” may be the most negative word in English. It’s a conjunction that devalues most every sentiment that employs it. And it does so...

May 24, 2021
Maxim #1 - Remember the Names of People You Meet
Is there anyone in the world who hasn’t felt the sting of realizing they were forgotten as soon as they were introduced? If ...

May 9, 2021
A Quick Start Guide to Life
My 15 Maxim's for an Authentic Life Wouldn’t it be great if life came with a user manual? Such a guide would offer answers to every...

John Kador
Oct 13, 2020
Regret Vs. Apology: The President of Notre Dame University Regrets
John Jenkins, the president of Notre Dame University, attended the Covid19 super-spreader event that was the White House announcement of...

John Kador
May 27, 2020
Why Amy Cooper’s Central Park Incident Apology is Weak
On March 25, there was an altercation between a woman dog-walker and a bird-watching man in Central Park. Amy Cooper was walking her dog...

John Kador
Apr 26, 2019
Why Joe Biden’s Apology was So Unsatisfactory
Former Vice President Joe Biden recently reached out to Anita Hill to apologize for his role degrading her and other women during the...

John Kador
Feb 26, 2019
Vietnam is the most globalized populous country in modern history
Vietnam is rapidly shaping new world order. Even a decade ago, few would have guessed that Vietnam would become the most globalized...
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